Sunday 3 June 2012

Well here we go again

El presideti Dave Prentise and unison what can you say. Yet again a deal has been stitched up with the government to the detriment of the workers. Yet again the bureaucracy of this union has rode rough shod over the membership. There has been no consultation with the members and now they are asking members to vote for a pensions package that still makes them worse off than they already are. However you won’t be surprised to see that El Presidenti Prentis is one of those unfortunate fat-cats who earn between £100,000 and £112,950. Someone on that money is subject to personal allowance tapering. This means his marginal rate of tax was 60%.

Rather than pay this rate of tax though, Prentis has engaged in some personal tax avoidance and paid the money into his pension, ensuring the state couldn’t get its hands on it. By doing so he has effectively got a 60% tax relief on those payments. Because the Unison financial year doesn’t match the fiscal year, its not possible to say exactly what Mr Prentis’s pay in 2010/2011 was, but I understand that it was not more than £99,999. El Presidenti also went on record saying “The Government would be better advised to look at plugging tax loopholes for the rich and tackling tax evasion that costs us billions, rather than giving top earners a cash break.” Nuff said Dave!

Its conference season again and what don't we see? a debate on cutting ties with Labour. Daves mates on the standing orders committee ruled a motion on Labour and the trade unions "out of order" as they don't want a debate on the affiliation issue as they know they will loose It is clear that the membership doesn't want any truck with the traitors in the Labour party as less than a third of the membership actually subscribe to the party but Daves waiting for his gong so we mustn't leave.Its also ironic that if a branch doesn't send delegates to conference they are fined, what a joke. A trade union fining its own membership, who the fuck would want to attend their stage managed conference anyway!

El Presidenti Dave is now Non executive director of the Bank of England I don't suppose he will be giving his salary to the union or paying it into his pension. It all becomes laughable, he has is head of the biggest public sector union but he can find time to brown nose. We need to fight to take the power from the right in this union and make it a member led democratic union not this Stalinist junta that we currently have.

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