Wednesday 26 October 2011

There's a surprise

On Tuesday the Independent ran a story "Cabinet ministers get it wrong about the riots". Most of the young rioters arrested during this summer's violence came from the country's most deprived homes and were struggling at schools in poor neighbourhoods, the Government's own research has concluded. Its mad they need experts to tell them the blindingly obvious. Its clear there are not that many gangs in this country and as for a coordinated approach to rioting that's just laughable. They could ask anyone who is working class and lives in the cities what is the cause for rioting. Its because the ruling classes have created a two tier society, those who have and those who haven't. Those who haven't want the same as those who have ie large TV's, flash cars, nice houses, nice clothes and the list go's on. Those who are poor have the TV advertising /makeover programmes, hoardings, magazines etc telling them how they should look and live, with little or no money and no prospect of getting jobs (especially in these times of austerity). Therefore the only other option to achieve this is to take from the very institutions that are promoting / selling these goods.Once people see one person robbing a shop then its not long before they thing wow I've always wanted one of those. I neither condem nor condone their actions but it is easy to see why this occurs and will continue to occur until we have a fairer and eqaul society.
 These politicians make me sick they don't live in the real world. They continually make claims that we live in a democracy, they continually feed us lies and untruths yet the electorate continue to trust them and participate in this sham of government. They are parasites Get rid of them!!! tax the rich and big business not the poor.

Friday 21 October 2011

For a change here's one of my poems


We're sitting by the stones
having a fag
we can't have that say's old maggie
we'll bring a law to stop their fun
so the harrassment had begun

We can't have travellers, hippies and punks
dancing to that load rave and funk
coming to spoil our pleasant land
I'll bring in laws
They shall be banned

Criminal justice act
The rich and the state have made a pact
To destroy freedom and fun
Maggie say's of that we'll definately have none

They think they have upper hand
to use the army and coppers for a ban
But we'll not give in to their
propagander and lies
We will not be flattened  like flies
One thing you cannot control
The spirit 
It lives on in our soul

Monday 10 October 2011

Lies and more lies

This week (and it's only Monday) more revelations have come out about Blairs war in Iraq. Yet again the British government and the media have kept secret what exactly happened in Iraq. It would appear that in 2008 british troops were getting a good beating and had lost Basra. It was only with the help of the yanks that the situation was saved. However the british government and the corrupt, lying  media were putting out untruths that all was well with the troops in Basra when quite clearly it wasn't. The MOD have said that this was done to keep up moral of the troops and the people back in blighty. Do they really expect us to believe this old tripe? It was more than likely done to save Blairs neck. What else have we not been told or have lies spun about. Now Blairs a peace envoy, how can that be? You start a war and then you become a "peace envoy". It doesn't add up! 

Liam Fox what a smug git! Here's a man who has breached the parliamentary rules and has made "serious mistakes" yet he will be let off with a slap on the wrists. What a joke! If that were you or I, we would promptly suspended, marched off the premises and not allowed back until the disciplinary hearing. We would then be sacked. Yet again we see one rule for the rich but another for the workers. We should be calling for his head!

Darling Cameron is now asking people to "shop a suspected illegal immigrant" What a brilliant idea that is. What makes someone suspicious, is it because they have a different coloured skin or talk in a different language or is it because they go out early in the morning and come back late at night? That could be you or me and all we are doing is going to work. We have to work long hours because of the crap wages we are given. This idea seems to have been taken from Mao or Pol Pot when children were encouraged to shop people. Where will this end? We've already got shop a benefit fraudster, shop a dope dealer, asbo's, crasbo's and now shop an illegal immigrant. Watch out the vigilantes and those people  with bed sheets and white pointy hats are coming  It looks like we are on the road to national socialism and that is very frightening !

On a lighter note if you are into alternative forms of housing check out Lloyd Khans website and blog at brilliant!

No gods, No masters, No borders!

Friday 7 October 2011

Do it yourself

The reason i'm writing this blog is because I like many others are fed up with being lied to on a daily basis by Governments and the Media and we need to fight them together. We can see an example of this with the present government, they are completely out of touch with the people. They or rather their predecessors' were the ones who encouraged the poor to spend and get credit. Now the millionaire PM has the cheek to say to the poor they should pay off their credit cards to help the country hahaha. If the poor had money they wouldn't have credit! I bet he and his cronies have never been in debt in their lives. If they had mummy or daddy would have bailed them out. We need to tax the rich not the poor.
 When will the people realise we don't have democracy (ok it's not as bad as some countries) but they, the rich, are gradually eroding our freedom. When was the last time the people were consulted on anything, remember the gulf war millions turned out and the government as usual didn't listen. Were we consulted on the issue of CCTV, going to war in Afghanistan, increasing taxes? never. It should be remembered that the rich write the laws to protect themselves not the workers. I believe that people can organise themselves without the interference of governments. They don't need state surveillance or police to control them.