Wednesday 26 October 2011

There's a surprise

On Tuesday the Independent ran a story "Cabinet ministers get it wrong about the riots". Most of the young rioters arrested during this summer's violence came from the country's most deprived homes and were struggling at schools in poor neighbourhoods, the Government's own research has concluded. Its mad they need experts to tell them the blindingly obvious. Its clear there are not that many gangs in this country and as for a coordinated approach to rioting that's just laughable. They could ask anyone who is working class and lives in the cities what is the cause for rioting. Its because the ruling classes have created a two tier society, those who have and those who haven't. Those who haven't want the same as those who have ie large TV's, flash cars, nice houses, nice clothes and the list go's on. Those who are poor have the TV advertising /makeover programmes, hoardings, magazines etc telling them how they should look and live, with little or no money and no prospect of getting jobs (especially in these times of austerity). Therefore the only other option to achieve this is to take from the very institutions that are promoting / selling these goods.Once people see one person robbing a shop then its not long before they thing wow I've always wanted one of those. I neither condem nor condone their actions but it is easy to see why this occurs and will continue to occur until we have a fairer and eqaul society.
 These politicians make me sick they don't live in the real world. They continually make claims that we live in a democracy, they continually feed us lies and untruths yet the electorate continue to trust them and participate in this sham of government. They are parasites Get rid of them!!! tax the rich and big business not the poor.

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