Sunday 4 December 2011

Never trust a politician

Lord hahah Hutton has just said that the changes to public sector workers should be speeded up to avert the country slipping further into economic decline. What a joke not only have public sector workers been told they will not get a rise for another 2 years they are also being told that out of their meagre wages they should contribute more towards their pension. Some of us haven't had a pay rise in 6 years. What aren't saying is that the extra contributions aren't going into the pension fund but are going to the treasury. They are also relying on people staying in the pension fund but quite the opposite is true. People will leave in their droves. What they also are conveniently forgetting is that MPs all of whom are parasitic and many of whom are millionaires are on final salary pensions. In the year 2008 MPs had a hole in their pensions of £40,000,000 and were then bailed out by the treasury. They have also been told their pensions will be changed in line with the public sector and the backbenchers have rebelled. So its all right for the workers to suffer but MPs mustn't. Hang the lot of them. Get the money back of the bankers and the rich not the working classes.

When will people stop treating soldiers as heroes!!! No one told them to join the army, no one told them to go and fight on foreign shores!! They volunteered, they thought it would exciting. Getting shot for areshole politicians to flex their muscles is a waste. It's also been reported that american soldiers a have come under fire from across the boarder in  Pakistan, what do they expect its a war. Its about time we our priorities right, what about people who are killed doing their daily work (construction etc) are they heroes?They should be  applauded, but they are forgotten. Society is crap, stop wars and take the toys from the boys!

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